If I ever create a drinking game it would have to never include "take a shot for every reference to another movie featuring Bruce Campbell" because you'd be wasted in 15 minutes! Not a great movie, but BC directs and stars in

“My Name is Bruce” is liberally peppered with references to all things Bruce. There are familiar faces in the cast, memorable props are plentiful, venerated quotes are rehashed, and in-jokes abound. This is pretty much a love it or hate it film…it all depends on how you look at it. Bruce is a true caricature here. He hauls in the personalities of some of his more notorious character portrayals combined with a few of the worst possible stereotypes of big-name actors to create a walking parody. He is arrogant, annoying, smarmy, lecherous, vulgar, whiny, and pathetic. He is also not afraid to poke fun at himself and his career throughout this movie, which is one of the reasons he is such a legendary fan favorite and why this movie is already on the way to becoming the newest notch in his cult-status belt. Groovy!
Here's the story in song-form (from the movie)
Not convinced? Click HERE for an interview of BC from the most reliable, reputable, resourcefull news in the universe... the Onion
oh, and lastly this tasty little morsel of BC goodness

you know you want it!